I have written about the dangers of texting and driving and the importance of having advanced-driver training. When you’re behind the wheel, your actions will affect you, others in the car and anyone else who happens to be on the road near you.
READ MORE: Advanced driver training: what counts is your safety
There’s always one top way to promote safety: always wear your seatbelt when the car is in motion.
ALSO READ: Ready for your road trip? Car safety festive checklist
If, maybe, you don’t like wearing a seatbelt or don’t see it as very important, here is a list of reasons to wear a seatbelt that might just change your perception.
Seatbelts save lives
You are more than likely already familiar with the fact that wearing a seatbelt can save your life, which is the most important reason to always have the belt buckled around you. However, there are plenty of other reasons to strap in too.
Seatbelts can aid in the following:
READ MORE: Texting and driving more like texting and dying
It’s the law
If you’re caught not wearing a seatbelt, you could find yourself facing expensive fines and consequences.
Airbags are much more effective when the driver and passengers are wearing their seatbelts. If you’re not wearing your belt, your body will most likely not remain in the position in which the airbag can protect you.
The best defence
Seat belts offer the best defence against:
It’s important to remember your actions don’t just affect you, but others, too. Therefore, any time you’re on the road, make safe decisions.
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