Historic racing gears-up for date with Red Star

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By Andre De Kock

Motorsport Correspondent

Four categories will contest two races each with lots of action expected.

Inland historic car racing will return to the Red Star Raceway near Delmas this Saturday, with four racing disciplines in action.

Heading up proceedings will be two races for Ben Morgenrood  Pre-1980 HRSA saloon cars.

Top contenders should include drivers like Stefan Puschavez (MI Investments Porsche 911 RSR), Stewart McLarty (Morgenrood Ford Escort XR3), Andre’ ten Napel (TNMC Volkswagen Scirocco), Sean Hepburn (AASA Datsun 1200 GX), Tihan van Rooyen (Porsche 924), Gavin Lundin (Silverguard Datsun 1200 GX), Rene Janse van Rensburg (SV Tech Ford Escort), Johan Jacobs (Olifantsfontein Alfa Romeo GT Junior), Stuart Konig (Northern Bolt Volkswagen Scirocco) and Jannie van Rooyen (Pro Auto Rubber Volkswagen Scirocco).

With the races to be held in the anti-clockwise direction, many competitors will find the going tough around Red Star’s extremely twisty layout.

The event’s two Randfontein Pursuit handicap races will bring a wide variety of cars to the party, with the final two laps of each promising pretty tight action.

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Though almost impossible to predict, front runners should include Rob Clark (Containerforce Citroen 1220 GX), Althea Pretorius (Carinvest Nissan Exa), Clive Winterstein (Casheri Porsche 356 A), Willem van Niekerk (Ford Escort),  Wynand du Plessis (DBM Toyota MR2), Werner Hartzenberg (Aircoolwonders Porsche 916), Michelle Smith (JMS Nissan Skyline), Gerrit Murray (Alfa Romeo GTV 2.0) and Riaan Roux (Addfin Volkswagen Scirocco).

For single-seater lovers there will be two Formula Monoposto races, led by competitor like Leon Scholtz (Ray FF), Herman Krige (RMo8), Corrie le Roux (Pigments Formula M), Conner le Roux (Formula M), Chloe Stuart (Basically Branding Formula M), Jannie Geyser (Formula Vee), Johannes Gerber (Formula M), Steve Venter (Formula Ford), Didier Diedericks (Formula M) and Loduvickus Gerber (Namib Bilton Formula M).

Racing will commence at 10am, with admission to cost R100 per adult, and kids under the age of 12 to go in for free.

Food and drink will be on sale or you may take your own, and everybody is invited to visit the pits on foot at any time.

To find out more, call the Red Star’s Christa Coetzer at 060 984 0369.

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