Categories: Motoring

Double stunt frenzy at Rhino Rally

The event, part of the 2015 Rhino Motorcycle Rally, will see bike rider Enrico Schoeman jump an off-road motorcycle through two burning caravans. A split second later, veteran stunt driver André de Kock will barrell-roll a car through the same fire.

The stunt has been carefully worked out by a team of experts, and the groundwork will be laid in Parys this week. Tomorrow, the caravans and ramps used by the two stuntmen will be taken to Parys by main event sponsors RGC Brokers, in whose Jet Park factory yard the team have been practicing during the past month.

They will erect the car’s pipe ramp on the grounds at the Parys Afridome, which will host the bike rally on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

“We are both nervous and excited,” said Enrico Schoeman this week. “It has becoms custom for us to perform a large stunt as part of the Rhino Rally, and this one should be extremely spectacular.”

The stunt should happen at 7pm on Friday.

To find out more about the event and the Rhino Rally, call Bike SA at 011-782-5521.