Bricks removed for thieves to reach their loot

Petty criminals stopped at nothing to reach their loot over the weekend after targeting a local medical practice.

Residents were alerted to three prowling criminals on the Middelburg CPF group on Sunday after three suspects managed to gain access to Prime Cure’s property on Lilian Ngoyi Street.

According to resident Christel Rawstone, who lives near the practice, her domestic worker alerted her of the intrusion on Sunday afternoon.

“She came to tell me that three suspects had knocked out the bricks beneath the palisades to allow them to crawl through.”

Rawstone and her domestic worker immediately drove to the practice, where Mid Alarms had already responded.
The thieves managed to steal camp chairs, a shovel and a pickaxe.

The photo of a man carrying the camp chairs in Meyer Street was shared on the CPF group a short while later, and Rawstone’s employee recognised the suspect and the stolen goods.

According to the employee, the same man was accompanied by two others during the theft.

“The drug addicts are responsible for a lot of these petty crimes in our area. I try to scare them off, and two men went as far as to threaten me with a knife.”

• Dr Bronkhorst’s office was contacted for more information, and they confirmed the bricks were knocked out to allow the thieves to climb through. The practice said that the stolen objects were outside the building, and the thieves didn’t gain access to the practice itself.

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