IN PHOTOS: Year-end art exhibition shows talent of all ages

Proud students and parents alike attended the year-end art exhibition held at HCN Art Studio in White River. The students exhibited their artworks created during the year and received certificates.

According to the owner of the studio, Hilke Nel, there were a few hurdles to cross when lockdown hit early this year, but she was proud of how her young students took to the challenge of online Zoom classes.

“This resulted in amazing artworks being created, while I delegated on the other side of the screen. At least the children could carry on without too many disruptions to their normal routine.”

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The projects showcased varying themes and Nel gets her inspiration from an international platform for art teachers and artists.

“The students were exposed to all aspects of design and fine arts, keeping up to date with the latest trends in the artistic world.

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“Students were taught in all mediums, from collage to various drawing and painting techniques, and learned about cultural arts from around the world. This included architecture, fashion, textile design and fine arts, and remembering old masters of the past.” 

Nel explained that the classes were also and excellent therapy for children who struggle with everyday challenges, and also stimulated right brain thinking. “Most importantly the children had fun learning and creating.”

She mentioned that anyone from primary school learners to adults are welcome, whether you want to learn a new skill or improve your technique in any medium. For more information contact Nel at or on 082-460-2600.

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