Vichy Spa and the SANBS host a blood drive with a difference

Marc said that there were other initiatives in the pipeline to recognise community leaders for their selflessness in helping others.

MBOMBELA – Vichy Spa in Streak Street is firmly entrenching itself as the go-to destination for that much-needed pampering session since opening its doors seven weeks ago.

Co-owners, Marc and Candice Paterson have not let its success go to their heads. The husband and wife duo partnered with the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) to encourage residents to donate blood.

Proceedings started at 11:00 and continued until 15:00, with a host of exciting incentives for donors. Since the beginning of the national lockdown that was announced in March, stock levels have been depleting at an alarming rate.

Muriam Hampton.

ALSO READ: WATCH: Nelspruit Sanbs says, ‘Be a hero and donate blood this Easter holidays’

As the restrictions are being eased, SANBS and Vichy Spa were on a mission to get Mbombelans out in their numbers to get the levels up.

According to Marc, the main reason behind the drive was to give back to the community.

“We are privileged to have the premises and the facilities at our disposal to be able to give back. The blood drive was
also incentivised as everyone who donated received a free car wash, courtesy of Vichy Carwash,” he said.

ALSO READ: SANBS experiences alarmingly low levels of blood stocks

However, this is not where it ends as Marc mentioned that there were other initiatives in the pipeline to recognise community leaders for their selflessness in helping others.

“One of the projects we will roll out in mid-November is to get residents to identify leaders or non-profit organisations they deem to be making a huge investment in the community.

“Vichy Spa will, as a token of recognition for their efforts, treat them to a pampering session. This will include our half-day packages, as well as full body massages and possibly even beauty treatments of their choice,” he said.

Noxolo Shabangu.

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As the SANBS marquee became busier, Marc remarked that Vichy Spa’s success could only be attributed to the support it received from residents.

“We have only just set up and already have everyone lined up to donate blood. Vichy Spa, Vichy Carwash and Master Models – all based on the premises – are the driving force behind this initiative.”

Jana van Raaij of Stabilicor was also on hand with cupcakes for the donors and added, “We live in challenging times and it is only by giving back and everyone doing their part, that all will work out well.”

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