Emtee has picked a fight on Twitter … with himself

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By Citizen Reporter


Fans are speculating that the troubled Emtee may need some help.

Well, here is a turn of events for the books. Fans and followers have seen numerous feuds between celebrities (the ongoing beef between AKA and Cassper is probably the longest running), but it’s rare that someone picks a fight with themselves.

Step forward rapper Emtee, who both amused and disturbed fans this week by seeming to twar with himself. The self-aimed slam was picked up by one Twitter account (it looks as if it has since been deleted), and then the insanity proceeded from there.


This being South African Twitter, the reactions came fast and furious:



This isn’t the first time Emtee has made a mess of things on social media. Last year in October, he started trending on social media for exposing his penis while urinating.

“I was in the toilet and answering fans’ questions on Instagram live. I needed to pee but, without thinking, I used the same hand I was holding my phone while I was doing my thing and used the same hand to flush. I didn’t even think about it until I realised what I had done, and I immediately apologised. I was like ‘oh, no!’” he said to TimeLive.

We really can’t wait to hear his explanation for starting a fight on Twitter with himself.

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