Categories: Lifestyle

Your daily horoscopes

Libra 24 Sep – 23 Oct

You prefer to work on joint ventures but it’s important to concentrate on individual projects today. And don’t look for much support from others. They have their own problems to deal with.

Scorpio 24 Oct – 22 Nov

Self-sabotage is a danger, Scorpio, as you say and do things that you later regret. You’re being run by compulsive desires, so avoid making important decisions or major moves today.

Sagittarius 23 Nov – 21 Dec

A relationship may be tested, as a friend reveals a formally hidden side of their personality. It’s time for smart Sagittarians to smooth troubled waters with compromise and compassion.

Capricorn 22 Dec – 20 Jan

You’re incredibly focused on professional issues as the Sun, Mercury and Pluto activate your career zone. But if you are too obsessed with work then loved ones will feel neglected.

Aquarius 21 Jan – 19 Feb

Something or someone is about to enter your life and rock your world so stay open to exciting new possibilities. Don’t get bogged down in the past. Keep a keen eye on the road ahead.

Pisces 20 Feb – 20 Mar

Someone may put pressure on you to reveal information that was given to you in confidence. Hence your current moral and philosophical conundrum – is honesty always the best policy?

Aries 21 Mar – 20 Apr

Close relationships need to be handled with care today. Being bossy and belligerent will get you nowhere fast. Compromise, cooperation and consideration will get you a lot further.

Taurus 21 Apr – 21 May

Try to give those around you some space today. Otherwise, the tighter you hold on, the harder they will struggle to escape from your tenacious Taurean grip. Give and take is the key.

Gemini 22 May – 21 Jun

Geminis are social souls – you love to mix and mingle. The focus is on friendships today but they won’t all run smoothly. Expect some emotional dramas or complex problems along the way.

Cancer 22 Jun – 23 Jul

Your emotions may come into conflict with your conscious will. So it’s time to sit down and separate your wants from your needs. Otherwise you’ll just end up feeling confused and frustrated.

Leo 24 Jul – 23 Aug

Many Leos will feel under pressure today so avoid run-ins with authority figures. If you are the person in charge, then resist the urge to be bossy and over-bearing with others.

Virgo 24 Aug – 23 Sep

Today favours communicating and connecting with others in strategic ways. But avoid getting drawn into a debate or argument with someone over financial matters or business plans.