Categories: Lifestyle

Your daily horoscopes

Libra 24 Sep – 23 Oct

Mercury is moving through your sign until October 17. So pay attention to the way you communicate with others. Listen closely and think things through. Then respond cleverly and creatively.

Scorpio 24 Oct – 22 Nov

With three planets in your solitude zone, you need to escape into your own world this weekend. Where you can wind down, chill out and relax. Plus meditate, contemplate or just rejuvenate.

Sagittarius 23 Nov – 21 Dec

Write down your goals and dreams for the future. But, when it comes to your peer group, aim to be much more discriminating. Don’t waste precious time on fickle friends who sabotage your dreams.

Capricorn 22 Dec – 20 Jan

The Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are all powering through your reputation zone. So you’re keen to impress others. But don’t get carried away and promise more than you can actually deliver.

Aquarius 21 Jan – 19 Feb

Mercury is activating your adventure zone, until October 17. So it’s the perfect time to study, travel, explore and experiment as you gain inspiration from international friends and foreign cultures.

Pisces 20 Feb – 20 Mar

All is not as it appears, and you may feel vague or confused. So, if someone tells you something that doesn’t sound quite right, then make sure you do all the checks required before you respond.

Aries 21 Mar – 20 Apr

Communication planet Mercury is now moving through your relationship zone. So it’s time to open up and get conversing and talking – really talking – with family, friends and close colleagues.

Taurus 21 Apr – 21 May

Mercury is transiting through your daily routine zone until October 17, which tempers your stubborn side. And encourages you to talk things through and come up with some creative ideas.

Gemini 22 May – 21 Jun

Your diplomatic skills will be put to the test, as someone causes confusion or just plain annoyance. So do your best to calm troubled waters and soothe furrowed brows, especially at home.

Cancer 22 Jun – 23 Jul

Communicating with loved ones promises to be fun this weekend. It’s the ideal time to put personal differences aside, and focus on the positive things that bind you together as a family

Leo 24 Jul – 23 Aug

All types of communication and social media are favoured at the moment. Mercury encourages you to make contact with a wide range of people, in a variety of stimulating ways.

Virgo 24 Aug – 23 Sep

Is your bank balance going backwards? It’s a wonderful weekend to think up creative new ways to budget and boost your cash flow. Or lend a helping hand to someone who’s in need.