Categories: Lifestyle

Your daily horoscopes

Virgo 24 Aug – 23 Sep

You’re keen to pursue a particular course of action but is a colleague or loved one on the same page? Double-check, otherwise you may find you are veering off in different directions.

Libra 24 Sep – 23 Oct

Don’t let your vivid imagination get the better of you today, Libra – especially when it comes to a romantic relationship, a health issue or a work matter. Try to keep your feet firmly on the ground.

Scorpio 24 Oct – 22 Nov

Avoid being too black and white about situations, or accepting information at face value. Things are far more complex than they appear, and a teenager or friend may have a hidden agenda.

Sagittarius 23 Nov – 21 Dec

You have ambitious goals for the future but today’s not the time to pursue them as you’re likely to feel discouraged and full of self-doubt. It’s a passing phase so don’t take it too seriously.

Capricorn 22 Dec – 20 Jan

Avoiding complex issues won’t make them disappear. If you do the research required and communicate your intentions clearly, then you’ll cut through the confusion and get others onside.

Aquarius 21 Jan – 19 Feb

Mix-ups over money are likely at the moment. Don’t do anything rash – and avoid getting drawn into confusing financial arrangements with others. Aim to be more financially independent.

Pisces 20 Feb – 20 Mar

If you daydream the hours away, you’ll just end up feeling dazed and confused. Instead, try channelling your Piscean energy into creative work projects, spiritual pursuits or helping others.

Aries 21 Mar – 20 Apr

All is not as it appears today, Rams, especially at home or work. So be extra careful in the way you give and receive information. Clear and careful communication will make all the difference.

Taurus 21 Apr – 21 May

There may be some conflict between work responsibilities and family today, Taurus. Try not to worry and stress. Instead, do your best to resolve issues in a calm and constructive fashion.

Gemini 22 May – 21 Jun

You may feel pressured and pulled in different directions today – at home and work – as conflicting demands unsettle you. Things are constantly changing, so keep your schedule flexible.

Cancer 22 Jun – 23 Jul

If you show your Crab claws today, then those around you will respond with confusion or frustration. So try to approach challenging situations with a double dose of tact and diplomacy

Leo 24 Jul – 23 Aug

Nebulous Neptune sucks the wind out of your sails today and you may feel dazed, disappointed or just super-stressed. Don’t despair! Instead, be practical, productive and pace yourself.