Man with 13 passports arrested after trying to bribe border officials during Easter – BMA
Picture: Thinkstock
Today marks the first day of Lent (Latin word for fortieth). Lent is a religious observance of many Christian denominations and covers six weeks before Ester Sunday. In the Christian faith, believers are only supposed to rely on God for their existence. What this means is; whatever a Christian thinks is more important to them than God becomes their god, something God instructed Christians not to have. Not all Christians observe this custom, its only the Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist and Roman Catholic denominations, to name a few, that practise it. The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer through prayer, repentance of sins and self denial.
Twitter has been going crazy about this day, with users questioning what is it that they think they could not live without for forty days. Lent is not a diet, you are supposed to give up something you think is of high importance to you, and something you think the less privileged do not have. However, one is allowed to give up a food item they think they cannot live without; some users pledged to stop drinking and smoking, while some pledged to go vegan for forty days, because for some people, a meal is not complete without meat. I asked my colleague if he could give up meat for forty days and he looked at me as if I asked him to stop breathing. For Lent, he would ideally have to give up meat because that is how important it is to him.
What most people questioned was whether they could give up sex for forty days and the responses were hilarious. So share with us, what is it that you think you cannot live without that you would give up for forty days?
Here are some of the tweets:
People confusing Diets with Lent. #Lent2016 #NotADiet
— Champ Payne (@Champ_Payne) February 10, 2016
How to be a Writer:
For Lent, try giving up:
1. Alcohol (Er, no.)
2. Chocolate (Seriously?)
3. Procrastination (Well, maybe. In a minute…)— Joanne Harris (@Joannechocolat) February 10, 2016
We're giving up rollercoasters for #Lent! On second thought, that'd be a terrible business move for us…
— Thorpe Park Official (@THORPEPARK) February 10, 2016
Lent begins today…
What are you giving up for 40 days?
— Kanayo ❤️ (@doctorkanayo) February 10, 2016
Lent begins my indulgence ends- no cakes, biscuits or chocolates!!🍰🍫🍪 😟😥 Be strong June you can do it!!!!
— LeonAndJune (@LeonAndJune) February 10, 2016
Lent begins today. I wonder if Iain Duncan Smith will give up hating the poor. Probably not. #Lent
— Angry Scotland (@AngryScotland) February 10, 2016
"So, right, have we got that? No more fags, roller blading or booze until Easter. Understood?" #Lent
— Father Ted Quote of the Day (@FrTedQOTD) February 10, 2016
For Lent, I'm giving up hope. Again.
— Northern Exile (@AllyStokoe) February 10, 2016
This mornings session was an absolute shambles despite all best efforts… thinking of giving up conditioning for #Lent as a result!?! #fail
— Stacey Jayne Francis-Bayman (@StcyJyneFrancis) February 10, 2016
Here we go. 6 weeks of no alcohol for lent. Apart from Saturday. Saturday doesn't count (St Trifons Day – Patron Saint of wine)
— caroline dyer (@CazDyerlogue) February 10, 2016
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