Celebrate World Book Day by encouraging children to read for pleasure.
Photo: iStock
World Book Day is held in the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland annually on the first Thursday in March “to change lives through a love of books and shared reading”.
World Book Day in March is not be confused with the global World Book Day created by UNESCO in 1995, and observed every year on 23 April.
The event was moved to March in the UK so as to not clash with Easter School Holidays.
Since reading makes a crucial difference to a child’s future success, World Book Day encourages reading for pleasure.
Parents and teachers can assist by helping children spending 10 minutes a day to share stories they find fun and helpful.
Other activities for celebrating World Book Day could include fun lesson plans, video and free audiobooks. Children should also be encouraged to visit the library.
The organisers say their approach is based on research which tells them there are six elements to support a child to read for pleasure.
The organisers have a list educational ideas on their official World Book Day website, such as reading recommendations, free audiobooks, video resources; even a family pack.
Thousands of bookshops and supermarkets take part in World Book Day, but local libraries often have reading events on the day as well.
Compiled by Cheryl Kahla.
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