The secret to thriving

If you feel like you’re merely surviving, rather than thriving, find out how you can change your life.

“Thriving is a word most people would be glad to hear themselves described as, but which science hasn’t really managed to consistently classify and describe until now,”  says Dr Brown, a sport and exercise scientist at the University of Portsmouth.

What does it mean to thrive?

Thriving has been described as vitality, learning, mental toughness, focus, or combinations of these and other qualities.

“Since the end of the 20th century, there has been a quest in science to better understand human fulfilment and thriving, there’s been a shift towards wanting to understand how humans can function as highly as possible,” said Dr Brown.

Feeling good about life

After pulling together all the research on what makes people thrive, from studies of babies and teenagers, to studies of artists, sportspeople, employees and the elderly, and Dr Brown has come up with the first definitive catch-all.

“It appears to come down to an individual experiencing a sense of development, of getting better at something, and succeeding at mastering something.

“In the simplest terms, what underpins it is feeling good about life and yourself and being good at something.”

The list: What it takes to thrive

The study outlines the ‘shopping list’ underlying Dr Brown’s simple definition.

To thrive doesn’t need all the components, but a combination of some from each of the two following lists may help –

A person who thrives is…

In the simplest terms, what underpins it is feeling good about life and yourself and being good at something – Dr Daniel Brown

  • optimistic
  • spiritual or religious
  • motivated
  • proactive
  • someone who enjoys learning
  • flexible
  • adaptable
  • socially competent
  • believes in self/has self-esteem

A person who thrives has…

  • opportunity
  • employer/family/other support
  • challenges and difficulties are at manageable level
  • environment is calm
  • is given a high degree of autonomy
  • is trusted as competent

Source: University of Portsmouth via

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