Toddlers, even before building an actual vocabulary, have an affinity to arguing with their parents who choose not to argue back.
Picture: iStock
Toddlerhood is one of the most fascinating stages of a child’s development.
The baby you have been watching grow right in front of your eyes is developing a personality and a vocabulary. This combination can either be a source of entertainment, or your worst nightmare (in a funny way).
When Tia Mokoka tweeted “normalise arguing with toddlers”, she quickly went viral as South African parents shared why they choose not to.
Aunts and uncles on the thread quickly commented how arguing with children is entertaining for them.
Conversations about children’s logic started surfacing, others arguing that it is a waste of time because their reasoning capacity is not the best.
To provide an example, @Hadassah shared a video of a young boy who wants to marry his mother. His mom kept trying to reason with him, to no avail.
One parent argued with their child about where children came from. It seems like traditional parenting and the usual childbirth lies are not working for the newer generation.
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