WhatsApp admins now responsible for illegal or defamatory content

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By Faizel Patel

Senior Journalist

According to an expert, group admins can now delete messages and be held liable for illegal content.

WhatsApp admins will have to be more careful of what is posted on their chat groups.

This comes after a change in WhatsApp features for group admins and this has effectively made admins responsible for any questionable or illegal messages posted in their groups.

According to Mercia Fynn, Director and head of Commercial Department at Kisch IP, the change, which now allows group admins to delete any messages in the group chat, also makes the admin potentially liable for illegal or defamatory content.

“Many South Africans are members of WhatsApp groups to stay up to date with communications of common interest to occupants of a sectional title complex, members of a social club, or parents of school children in a particular grade or class.”

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“However, while these WhatsApp groups can be useful, they can also expose members to questionable content,” Flynn said.

Previously, only senders could delete messages, but as of 1 September 2022, WhatsApp group admins also have the option to delete any messages posted by any members, effectively giving the admin stronger moderation tools.

“This change also means that South Africans now have a definitive answer to the question whether admins are responsible for content shared on WhatsApp groups. In short – yes, they are,” said Fynn.

However, she cautioned that WhatsApp admins must ensure that they promptly delete any illegal content, such as hate speech, threats, incitement or defamatory statements.

“Because failure to do so may indicate their endorsement or approval of this content, and could put them at legal risk.”

 “The case Isparta v Richter and Another 2013 (6) SA 529 established the precedent that where a person is tagged or mentioned in unlawful content on social media and they don’t actively take any steps to distance themselves from it, they could face legal action for engaging in the so-called ‘chain of publication’ in respect of that content,” Flynn said.

Leaving WhatsApp groups

Flynn said people should be free to leave WhatsApp groups

“If a person is in a WhatsApp group and is not the group admin, they may express their disapproval of any illegal content or simply leave the group if they wish to avoid potentially being seen to be in the chain of publication,” she added.

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