Bethesda has announced that the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online, has been delayed by “about six months”.
The reason is all down to getting the game’s systems to play nicely with Microsoft’s network requirements and Sony’s network requirements. According to Bethesda, both Microsoft’s and Sony’s networks are totally different to any found on PC and Mac, and therefore they’re struggling to get the game to transition onto consoles.
The game was originally supposed to hit the new, current-gen consoles in June, but you’re now looking at around a December release. It’s probably not such a bad thing for us in South Africa, as it will mean that the Xbox One will be locally available by the time The Elder Scrolls Online launches.
Bethesda is aware that this new might be disappointing a number of console gamers, so they’ve worked with Sony and Microsoft to develop this consolation: if you pick up a copy of The Elder Scrolls Online for PC or Mac before the end of June, then you’ll be able to transfer your PC/Mac characters onto a console version when the game releases on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
What’s more, you’ll get a discount on a digital copy of the game for consoles; those eligible will pay just $20 for a digital copy. That digital copy will come with 30 days of play time as well.
Is this a genuine consolation offer, or are they trying to net more subscriptions in case public opinion of the game begins to decline prior to the console versions releasing? Maybe it’ll even be free-to-play by then anyway?
This article first appeared on NAGOnline
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