Get a sneak peek into 'Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty' before its official launch as CDPR opens the doors of early access to fans.

Photo: Cyberpunk 2077/CDPR
Hold onto your neural implants, folks! The much-awaited and much-anticipated Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty update is fast approaching.
CD Projekt Red is giving fans of the game the chance to play the DLC before the official launch. Yes, you read that right.
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty
It’s not every day a gaming developer opens its doors to its fanbase, so kudos to CD Projekt Red for recognising the value of its community.
As someone who has invested more than 250 hours of my life into Night City – even taking a full seven-day vacation in January to reimmerse myself in its neon-drenched streets – this news has me raring to go.
According to a tweet from the official Cyberpunk 2077 account, the Phantom Liberty DLC will be showcased at Summer Game Fest, where journalists and content creators can get their hands on this bad boy.
Watch: Phantom Liberty expansion update
For us mere mortals who cannot make it to The Summer Game Fest?
CDPR says to “stay tuned” for hands-on opportunities coming our way.
Now, I’m no stranger to the world of Cyberpunk 2077, having tried every possible ending (some more than once, I might add) and currently on my fifth playthrough.
So, to say I’m excited about this expansion is an understatement.
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Play it before you buy it
CDPR is pushing the envelope by giving the general public a chance to experience the game before its release, a rare move for a major video game developer.
How will they select the lucky few? That remains to be seen, but I’m keeping my fingers, toes, and cybernetic limbs crossed!
Phantom Liberty promises to be a game changer, bringing an expansive and previously unseen area of Night City to explore, along with heaps of new story content.
Watch: Idris Elba as Solomon Reed
Disclaimer: Since this is Cyberpunk 2077 we’re talking about, the video below contains a fair sprinkling of colourful language.
V, our beloved protagonist, will join forces with FIA agent Solomon Reed, portrayed by none other than the fantastic Idris Elba.
As we wait for more information about these community hands-on sessions, you can find me cruising through Night City, completing every side quest and sniffing out every Easter egg I can find.
In the meantime, I’ll be practising my best Idris Elba impersonation and dusting off my cybernetic wardrobe.
Night City, here we come, ready or not!
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