There are too few autism schools in South Africa
I met Ilse, Noel and Maddie more than a decade ago. These parents had a toddler with a cast on her leg and they weren’t quite sure why she wasn’t making eye contact and didn’t talk. They went from doctor, to specialist… and then finally Maddie was diagnosed as autistic.
Maddie was put into a pre-primary school but was suspended from school within a week. The teachers simply didn’t know how to handle a special needs child like her.
Somewhere along the way and the home-schooling journey Ilse and Noel decided that Maddie was too alone. They then made a plan and started a little 8-kid school. They settled the children 2 at a time over 2 days before taking in the next batch of 2. Then more parents heard about the school and they opened their doors for more children and expanded to 2 properties eventually.
Maddie is now 13. She doesn’t verbally communicate – but has tools to help her communicate. She can interact with strangers. She has some life skills.
Amazing K is a little different from my own kids’ pre-primary school (or playschool if you prefer). The curriculum is different, but the same. Instead of third-party extracurriculars everything is done by the staff at Amazing K. The kids have to learn to be social – and that is an autism thing. Outside group play and group activities is a big thing.
Since I started working with Amazing K I have done research and read every article written by Ilse from Amazing K. I realised in all of this that:
I’m in no way an expert on autism or know how hard it is to have an autistic child – but I listen.
So here I am, just a mom realising that I should maybe not judge the parent who has a kid that has a major meltdown and that maybe I should #stopstaringstartcaring because it might just be a parent with an autistic child.
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