Smash-and-grab incidents are on the rise due to non-working traffic lights creating bumper-to-bumper 'opportunities' for Gauteng criminals.
Smash-and-grab incidents are on the rise in Gauteng. Photo: iStock
Gauteng motorists are urged to remain vigilant – especially when they are stuck in gridlock traffic during rush hour – amid a recent spate in smash-and-grab incidents in and around Johannesburg CBD.
Despite the welcome lull in load shedding, non-operational traffic lights and the resultant traffic jams at intersections, have been creating the perfect opportunity for smash-and-grab thugs to rob motorists of their valuables.
According to Gauteng police, the criminals’ modus operandi is to disguise themselves as beggars or vendors in order to “scout” vehicles in traffic for accessible personal belongings.
BusinessTech also reported that security experts noted that traffic lights across the country remain a hotspot for hijackings and cautioned South African motorists to stay alert while filling up, note their surroundings and suspicious characters in the area, and keep their doors locked.
Areas flagged by the police for these crimes, include:
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The Citizen reported this week on a rise in the alarming trend of vehicle spiking.
These incidents occur when criminals throw spikes across a road to immobilise vehicles and then rob the occupants of their valuables.
Speaking to eNCA, Crime Watch’s Yusuf Abramjee also noted the increase in vehicle spiking incidents over the past few months in Gauteng, especially in and around Pretoria.
The Motor Industry Staff Association (MISA) released a list of vehicle spiking hotspots in Gauteng.
MasterDrive CEO Eugene Herbert provided some tips on how motorists can reduce their risk on the roads and increase their chances of avoiding vehicle spiking incidents which mostly occur at night.
NOW READ: WATCH: Motorists beware! Banking app kidnapping and other hijacking trends
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