Stop just surviving and thrive.
Life life in full colour and access the super intelligence said Skip Archimedes. Picture Hein Kaiser
Life carpet bombs us all, every day. Bills, problems, arguments, and road rage. Whatever. But it’s hard to be positive in a world that gets faster every day, demands more, gives less. But Skip Archimedes, who’s overcome massive obstacles in his own life, said that we can all seek out the joy and authenticity in our days. Stop just surviving and thrive.
Archimedes’ seemingly limitless positive energy and relentless smile evidences this joy. He’s warm, intuitive, and said that his mission in life is to bring his message of purpose, and of being in charge of our realities, to everyone on the planet. He’s at mission South Africa right now.
“It was getting harder and harder for humans to live a life that they love,” he said. “Loving themselves, loving their body, loving what they contribute to life, these are essential, yet so many of us struggle with these concepts.”
He pointed to the overwhelming negativity that permeates most people’s thoughts. Almost 90% of the average 65,000 thoughts a day are negative, he said. It is a statistic he said that shows how far we have drifted from a mindset that nurtured positivity and growth.
He believes that anyone can tap into what he calls the “supercharged frequency,” a state of being where an individual’s energy, creativity, and overall sense of well-being are elevated.
“Your energy goes up, your immunity goes up, the ideas that flow through you. Everything gets better. But it’s up to you. Do you want to wake up excited about life, or do you want to dread each day?” It’s an inner state of being that radiates outward and creates reality, your reality, he said.
For Archimedes, the answer is clear. We each have the power to choose the reality we want to live in. By tuning into the right frequency and connecting with the intelligence that created us, we can transform our lives and the lives of those around us. “We had everything within us to be anything,” he said. “But we had to make that choice.”
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It’s not about what happens to us, but how we choose to respond to circumstance. And with that choice, we can either remain trapped by our past or break free to create a future filled with possibility and joy.
Archimedes teaches that to everyone he encounters as well as to his lengthy list of world leaders and celebrities that go to him for the spark, he serves that ignites a different path. And it’s infectious.
He’s paid his dues and what’s pleasingly different about Archimedes is that he is not just a motivational speaker, he’s someone who’s lived through every stage of self-doubt through to self-healing. This is what he brings to the party.
A severe accident that left him facing the possibility of never walking again could have cemented his fate. Instead, it became the catalyst for a profound transformation. “That moment forced me to confront everything I believed about myself and my life. It was then that I began to understand the true power of self-love.” He was a professional gymnast at the time of the accident.
While the accident marked a turning point for Archimedes, it was the years leading up to it that laid the foundation for his resilience. His love for gymnastics was abruptly cut short as a teen when his parents separated, and his father forbade him from continuing in the sport.
The emotional upheaval that followed saw his weight fluctuate wildly, mirroring the instability in his life. “Between 11 and 19, I had zero control,” he admitted. “My emotions were all over the place.”
Desperate for answers, Archimedes began to seek guidance from within. “I just started asking the universe, ‘What must happen for me to be proud of who I am? What must change for me to be happy?’ And the answer was always the same,” he said.
“Go and do what you love.” This inner calling led him back to gymnastics, and for a while, it seemed like things were finally falling into place. Then came the accident that could have ended it all.
But rather than surrendering to despair, Archimedes said he chose to believe in the impossible, to walk again. Inspired by the story of Bruce Lee who, after a similar injury, defied medical predictions and returned stronger than ever Archimedes immersed himself in studying the teachings of Lee and masters like Buddha and Confucius.
He began to see the body, mind, and spirit as interconnected, each playing a crucial role in shaping our reality.
The results were nothing short of miraculous. Within 18 months of his accident, Archimedes was not only walking again but also competing at the highest level. He won the gold medal at the English Sports Acrobatics Championships, a victory that taught him a valuable lesson:
“If I had believed what I was told, I wouldn’t even be standing or walking. I’d still be a victim. But that day, I learned that what they told me was simply their belief system, not mine.”
He said that the power of self-love and rediscovering your true self helps break through limiting beliefs. “When you learn this and connect to higher intelligence, you fell in love with yourself at the highest level and nothing seems impossible anymore.”
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