Rachel and Siya celebrate 4th wedding anniversary with funny pics and videos

Exactly four years ago yesterday Siya Kolisi and Rachel exchanged wedding vows and to commemorate their anniversary, Rachel has taken to social media to post the cutest pics and videos.

Justifying her choice, she said on Instagram over the previous three anniversaries, she shared only beautiful images and deep messages.

“Happy anniversary @siya_kolisi_the_bear! First three years brought up all our beautiful wedding pictures or videos. And DEEEEP captions. From this year going forward feels like a great opportunity for payback. #couplegoals,” she wrote on her page.

Siya, of course, had to react to his wife’s post and asked: “@rachel_kolisi Why you doing me like this?”.

Rachel is no stranger to posting humorous pics on social media and earlier this year, as kids were heading back to school, she did a photoshoot of her celebrating her freedom.

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