Send a sweet and thoughtful message or quote to accompany your gifts to your mother in celebration of Mother's Day.
A beautiful mother and her lovely daughter. Picture: iStock
What better way to show your mother how much you love her and how much she means to you than to showering her with meaningful gifts and thoughtful gestures that will brighten her day and leave her feeling like the most special mother in the world?
Gifts are amazing, but what makes them even more special are the messages and tributes which are usually accompanied by them.
Sometimes it may be difficult to express the full extent of your love and appreciation to your mother, but that does not have to be the case this Mother’s Day as we have selected a few sweet and meaningful messages which you can send to your mother in celebration of Mother’s Day.
Here are some sweet and thoughtful messages to send to your mother this Mother’s Day:
“Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything.”
“Dear Mum, I owe you all that I am. Thank you for inspiring me every day and being my best friend!”
“Although we haven’t been able to see each other as much as we have liked this year, thank you for your love and support each day to get me through!”
ALSO READ: The five best Mother’s Day high tea spots
“I am so blessed to have a Mum like you. I know raising me was not easy so I am ever so thankful for all your unconditional love and patience!”
“You are my best friend and you’ll always be. Thank you for guiding me through life and helping me become a better person.”
“Nobody loves you like your mom. She’s your best friend, your most honest critic, and your biggest fan all rolled into one.”
“Looking into my mother’s eyes is like looking into the depths of the universe. May her strength, her love, her devotion, her fears, and her spirit be reflected in mine.”
“The smell of my mom’s perfume; the sight of her garden’s flowers; the melody of her favourite song. All these things bring me closer to her even when we are far apart.”
“From the moment I was born, you showed me the way through this wonderful world. You taught me to see beauty in everything. I see the beauty in you, Mom.”
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