For nearly 28 years, Samantha Celeste has unpacked life’s challenges and opportunities for people by interpreting the numbers that define their path.
All numbers can impact you said numerologist Samantha Celeste, Picture Hein Kaiser
It’s not soothsaying, not mediumship and has very little to do with being psychic. Numerology is founded on the principle that the universe, and us in it, comprises numbers, and each of these vibrate at a different frequency. Though might seem like an abstract concept to some, for practitioner Samantha Celeste it’s a discipline rooted in aeons of mathematics and philosophy.
Celeste practices nationally because all she needs are the numbers in a client’s life. However, she is based at Heavenly Healing in Benoni, from where she consults with a string of clients.
For nearly 28 years, Celeste has unpacked life’s challenges and opportunities for people by interpreting the numbers that define their paths. She draws from the work of Pythagoras, the ancient Greek mathematician who saw numbers as the foundation of the universe. Numerology, she said, uncovers the energies tied to a person’s birth date and name.
“It’s about you,” she said. “Your life, journey, and the unique frequencies that shape you.” Front and centre are the concept of the life path number derived from someone’s date of birth. This number is fixed, acting as a roadmap for your life. “Your life path number never changes, but the numbers linked to your name, like your soul number or expression number, can evolve when your name changes,” she explained.
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This distinction between fixed and mutable numbers is key to Celeste’s work with clients, and she’s seen its effects firsthand. Adopted twice, she has carried three different surnames throughout her life. Each name brought its challenges and strengths, but it wasn’t until she dropped her surname entirely that she felt a true alignment. “Everything started flowing,” she said. “It was as if I had shed an energy that wasn’t serving me.” It’s a numbers game because each time something as simple as a last name changes, so too do the numbers it equates to. Ergo the changes, she said.
This principle extends to nicknames as well. Celeste described how a subtle shift, like being called Peter instead of Pete, can alter a person’s vibration frequency. “It’s a completely different vibration,” she said. “These changes might seem small, but they can significantly impact how your life unfolds.”
Other numbers, such as phone numbers or house addresses, also carry vibrations that can influence day-to-day experiences. She cited 28 as particularly significant for business success, noting that Elon Musk and Bill Gates share this number in their birth dates. “Numbers like that attract wealth and opportunity,” she said. “It’s about surrounding yourself with the right energy.”
Famously, US President Ronal Reagan and his wife Nancy frequently consulted with numerologists and astrologers during his two-term presidency.
Relationships, too, are influenced by numerology, and Celeste has worked with couples to better understand their interplay through their charts. “Some life path numbers complement each other beautifully, while others might create tension,” she said. For example, the choice to adopt a partner’s surname in marriage can bring about a dramatic shift. “Changing your surname aligns you with a new energy, which can either harmonise with or complicate your relationship,” she shared.
For Celeste, numerology is not about predicting the future or foretelling destiny. It’s a tool for self-awareness and empowerment. “Numerology helps you understand your strengths and challenges,” she said. “When you know these, you can navigate life more clearly and intentionally.” And she added that unlike predictions and forecasts that note that paths are laid in stone, changeable numbers can influence your life’s dynamics.
“You can’t control everything, but you can work around it,” she said. For instance, if a house number carries a challenging vibration, she suggested adding elements to the space that create balance. This can be as simple as adding a more positive vibration to a property by giving it a name that translates positively into a numerological vibration. “It’s about adapting and finding harmony within the circumstances,” she said.
Celeste said the immediacy of numerology’s impact is tangible and can manifest quickly. She noticed a shift within days when she changed her name and dropped her surname. “It felt like a weight had been lifted,” she said. “The right opportunities and energies began aligning with me almost immediately.” Numerology, she said, and the use of number vibrations to manifest better aspects of your life can be incredibly powerful. “Numerology isn’t abstract,” she said. “It’s a universal language, a way of seeing the patterns that shape our lives. This is not about changing who you are,” she said. “It’s about aligning with your true self and living in harmony with the energies surrounding you.”
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