These two memes will inspire you to not give up on hopes of enjoying your favourite snacks.

When planning for motherhood, did anyone warn you that you will never eat alone again in the presence of your children?
We sure hope so, because it happens a lot.
If they don’t abandon their own plate for yours, they never allow you to enjoy your snacks in peace.
This is why the two below strategies have an age restriction, with hopes that no entitled child will ever know where the Snickers and biscuits are being hidden. Children are sometimes not fond of vegetables, so what a creative and stress-free way of hiding your stash, and even eating it in front of them.
Some parents find other ways to hide their snacks.
Commenting on a public post, one mom said: “Heck yeah. I use my cereal boxes to hide snacks. My kids don’t eat Special K so I put stuff in there.”
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