Your birth sign shows how you cope with life's curveballs.
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At some point in life we may all be faced with stressful experiences: getting married, getting divorced, moving home, or losing a loved one.
What can we do to make these challenges more manageable? The stars can offer a glimpse of the best way to deal with the various battles that we are faced with.
You tend to hide your feelings and your troubles. Although your tendency to be unemotional and detached is excellent in a crisis situation, it’s imperative that you deal with unresolved emotional issues. Activities that allow you to exercise independence and make up your own mind are useful. Getting involved in community projects give you a sense of fulfilment.
You’re the dreamer of the zodiac. When under stress, you may flee into your imaginary world, hoping that problems will disappear. You’re a very sensitive sign and tend to absorb the negative feelings of others. Creative endeavours are excellent for bringing your dreams down to earth. Soaking in a hot tub or Jacuzzi surrounded by scented air and candles is a great relaxant.
You thrive under pressure and are at your best when there are deadlines to meet and challenges to face. Activities like squash, tennis and Tai Chi are good for releasing pent-up frustration. Greater self-understanding can be gained by writing your feelings down in a journal. Spending time with friends and in nature is relaxing.
You thrive in an environment of harmony and stability. You’re slow to anger, but once challenged, the force of your wrath will astound others. You’re better off left alone to contemplate your options when there are decisions to be made. A few nights on the couch watching TV charges your battery in no time.
Your flexible nature helps you to deal with a number of projects at once. You’re gifted with the ability to talk your way out of awkward situations. You have a tendency towards procrastination. Use your creative writing skills to lift you out of a rut. The desire for a fast pace isn’t always good for your health. Follow your body’s inner guidance and take regular breaks.
You’re at your best when creating a safe, nurturing atmosphere for family. At the first sign of stress, you retreat into your shell; others may even interpret this as moodiness. Clinging to the past isn’t healthy and can hinder you from achieving your full potential. Regular rest periods and visiting the seaside with family or a partner rejuvenates you.
You adore the spotlight and flourish under the attention of your loving fans. Aim to grow from the criticism of others instead of taking it personally. You’re better off spending time with friends than being alone when life gets tough. Avoid stress by dealing with challenges in a calm and practical manner. Walking or swimming takes your mind off your problems.
You have a keen, analytical mind and take pleasure in exploring the meaning of life. There’s a tendency to panic about things that may never happen. Disappointment creeps in when you set targets that are way beyond your reach. Delegating tasks helps to relieve work pressure. Solving a crossword or jigsaw puzzle is a worthy distraction.
Although you’re the romantic idealist, you’re not always in touch with what you truly feel. You’re never sure whether you should listen to your heart or head. Surround yourself with that which pleases your eye. Time spent at a health hydro or beauty salon is an ideal way to relieve tension.
You’re a bit of an enigma; you come across as being either intensely emotional or icy cold. You find it difficult to share your feelings. You tend to take setbacks very personally. Your powerful sense of intuition helps you to make sense of difficult situations. Solace can be found in meditation and gentle activities like yoga.
You’re an adventurer and the perpetual student of life. You may be somewhat judgmental and intolerant of others, but generally you’re easy-going and there’s not much than can put you off track. A good workout at the gym restores your spirits when tension strikes. Reading and indulging in philosophical discussions can also be counted on to get your groove back.
You’re one of the more conscientious signs and when faced with stress you’re likely to bury yourself in work. You won’t settle for second best. Hilarity with friends or a good comedy show will inspire your innate sense of humour. Hiking and getting in touch with nature is your main stress reliever. Calm, serene surroundings are helpful.
Yvonne de Bruin has always had a keen interest in the intricacies of the human psyche, behaviour and the more mystical aspects of life. She began her journey by studying psychology and completed an honours degree in psychology in the late ’90s.
After her studies she did a few short courses in trauma and bereavement counselling and worked with those who were dealing with cancer and people who experienced trauma as a result of major life changing experiences.
Aside from astrology and numerology, she also uses the tarot cards to coach and advise people on various aspects of their life including relationships, love, work, money, health, and life purpose.
She has combined her years of experience with the knowledge that she has built up through study and research and offers spiritual coaching, psychic readings and guidance by e-mail or on a one-on-one basis to those who need to clarify their personal goals, find direction or are at a crossroads in their lives.
Yvonne may be contacted on:
Yvonne De Bruin.
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