Routines are championed for the structure they give individuals or groups. A morning routine is particularly good for starting the day.
How one starts their day is vital for how the rest of it will go. Picture: Tara Moore/Getty Images
Despite the saying that avers that “it’s not about how you start but how you finish,” how one starts their day is vital for how the rest of it will go.
This is why morning routines are important because they set the tone for one’s day.
Routines are championed for the structure they give individuals or a group of people. A morning routine is particularly a great way to start the day.
“A morning routine sets the tone for the whole day, and if you do each day right, you’ll do life right,” said US serial entrepreneur Cathryn Lavery.
Instead of going with the flow throughout your day, a routine has benefited many people by helping them structure their day, leaving nothing to chance.
Below are a few steps on how you can create a healthy morning routine for yourself.
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End your day well to start it well
The time you sleep the previous night will impact how the following morning will be. It’s important for a person to decide their bedtime to know when they will start the next day.
A bedtime routine is associated with increased family functioning and improved sleep habits.
Waking up at a time that works for you is one of the most important parts of having an effective morning routine.
Mornings can be hectic for a lot of people. Some have to drop off kids at school or need to leave home early because of the long commute to their workplace.
However, exercising in the morning is considered beneficial because it can boost your energy levels throughout the day.
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Time for meditation
People have different forms of meditation, if any. These include prayer, the reading of a spiritual book, or simply sitting in silence with one’s thoughts.
Health publication Healthline describes meditation as an umbrella term for a variety of mental focus techniques that can help unify the body and mind.
It involves aspects of concentration, relaxation, mindfulness, and emotional neutrality. For many people, it’s also a spiritual experience. This internal exercise is beneficial for those who need time to compartmentalise their thoughts ahead of the day.
“Conventional wisdom is that the morning is a great time to do it, and if you can make time in the morning, that is great. But if not — any time you can set aside for meditation is the right time.”
US clinical psychologist Dr Steve Orma, who treats patients struggling with insomnia, anxiety, and stress, said routines also help in managing anxiety.
“Just as we create routines with exercise for our physical bodies, we should do the same for our mental health,” he said.
One way to do this is scheduling ‘thinking time’ to think through any problems or worries weighing on you instead of letting them build up. “This is one reason that daily journaling can be helpful for those who struggle with anxiety.”
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Healthy Breakfast
Not everyone prefers to have breakfast; some people don’t have an appetite at that time. A good breakfast doesn’t mean one has to sit at a table laden with choice foods. It should be one that energises you ahead of your day.
Your breakfast should start with a glass of water as researchers have found that drinking water first thing in the morning will not only help rehydrate you but can also jump-start your metabolism.
Take in the nature
Walking out of your abode and going outside to take in the fresh air is a good addition to anyone’s morning routine.
There is typically less air pollution in the early hours due to lower levels of vehicle traffic and industrial activity, meaning the air contains fewer pollutants like car exhaust fumes and dust particles, making it seem cleaner and more breathable compared to later in the day.
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