Black Dads Unplugged: Creating a positive narrative of black fathers
There is a lot, we as parents can do to influence this, our day to day interactions count.
Here are some practical ways to develop your child’s confidence:
1. Things to say
OUR words and how WE feel influence the way our children think.
The way they think and interpret their environment determines their level of confidence
Where in your day to day conversations can you use these words?
While we are developing their confidence, it is important for us to not be attached to the result! The moment we are measuring or getting frustrated when they aren’t acting confidently we create the opposite effect – the belief ” I am not good enough”. Our role is to provide the opportunity or space for them, it is THEIR responsibility to take action. They decide when. When we let go of the outcome we provide a safe space for them to try (we reduce the possibility of fear of judgement)
2. What we can do
We can notice how they respond in different situations and ask them what the situation means to them. When children are young, they do not have a broad perspective of what situations could mean and sometimes interpret them in ways that do not serve them.
If they have chosen a meaning that does not serve them, ask them if there are other possible meanings to the situation and help by giving them other possible options. For example. My maths teacher is always shouting at me. This could mean the teacher does not like me, it could mean I am no good at maths. Neither of these meanings serves them. Ask questions without judgement on what is happening in the class and what action they can take to find a solution. Encourage them to choose a meaning that gets them into the action of problem-solving. In this example, it could mean I need to practise more in one area of my maths or even though I don’t get on with my teacher how can I get what I want in the maths class.
Always use clear words about what you want and how you want it, rather than what they are doing wrong. Use as few words as possible.
Encourage them to try new activities all the time. Teach them that the uncomfortable feeling of trying something new is the key to the best life ever.
When circumstances don’t turn out the way they want, be there for them without judgement or expectation and encourage them. Ask them what they could do differently next time and encourage them to try their new ideas.
Encourage them to express their opinions and teach them that people can have different opinions.
Teach them to become aware of what they are saying to themselves. Encourage them to change their thought from what they are not happy with what they want instead.
3. The ingredients for a confident mind-set
What behaviour patterns/mindset creates confidence?
BE the model – do you believe and is your behaviour consistent with these words? – Practice developing this within yourself too with an awareness of each day to day decision
TRUE CONFIDENCE – I am okay regardless of what is happening around me or other people’s opinion.
Gail is an expert in Parent-Child Relationships – balancing parent’s needs with children’s development and happiness. Her mission is to empower and inspire parents and teachers to develop children’s self-awareness. When parents and teachers are empowered, inspired and working together, children have the opportunity to reach their full potential and happiness.
As a single parent of 2 boys, Gail knows how little time there is between work, children and our own needs. Finding solutions that were quick, satisfying and effective was her mission. She shares the teachings she has created and credits as the source of her own fulfilment, success and impact.
Gail is a Qualified NLP Practitioner, NLP Life Coach and Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner with over 10 years’ experience and success at applying these techniques to children’s learning and behaviour. Her success with her own son whom she was told would probably never read or write is proof of the possibility of true potential.
If you would like to learn more about developing good relationships with your children and forming a true connection or to find solutions for your specific challenges book a coaching session with me on or visit my website, Facebook or Instagram pages for more blogs and tips. Join me at one of my workshops!
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