Homeschooling takes its toll on both teacher and student, so how can families cope?
The Covid-19 pandemic has presented unchartered territory for everyone to navigate. For parents, the territory has come fraught with uncertainty, frustration and worry. Homeschooling, adapting to online learning and caring for the physical, emotional and mental wellbeing of children in lockdown have been, and remain, sources of tremendous strain.
Then came the reopening of schools, with different grades set to go back in phases over the course of the next few weeks. Some children are already back at school, some are still at home, some are waiting to go back, and others won’t be returning.
“Whether you have decided to send your child back to school or you have chosen to continue homeschooling for the remainder of the year, it’s stressful for you and your child. There is no clear answer on what exactly is the right thing to do – it depends entirely on your context. Parents are under a lot of strain to find new ways for their families to cope with the situation,” says psychologist Ilse de Beer.
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Says Ilse: “Uncertainty about the future exacerbates parents’ stress levels, and this will have an impact on children’s coping mechanisms. If you’re overanxious and on the verge of panic, you can be sure that it will rub off on your child. You can’t expect your child to cope with their anxiety and fears if you as an adult are unable to control your own.”
Going back to school will be a whole new world after weeks of isolation. For those who’ve decided to send their children back to school, Ilse has this advice:
On quelling fears of the virus, itself, Ilse says you should provide your children with age-appropriate, basic knowledge of the coronavirus. “Rather than instilling more fear, encourage your children with solutions for keeping themselves and others safe, such as wearing a mask, washing their hands, using sanitiser and observing social distancing,” she adds.
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The decision to homeschool your children for the remainder of the school year is a difficult one for parents who have chosen to do so. “The focus is to limit the risk of your child being infected with the virus and this is understandable,” says Ilse. “However, you must consider that the sustainability and success of this choice depends on several factors.”
“If, as a parent-teacher, you don’t have the appropriate amount of support from your child’s school and if you don’t have enough time to give your children equal and enough support, you should consider that this choice might not be right for you,” says Ilse.
“Remember that most parents are not teachers. Taking on a new job that you’re not trained for can be highly stressful. Certain subjects are challenging for children to study on their own, for example, mathematics, science and accounting. They need someone to explain these subjects to them in a language they understand. As a parent, this will become your responsibility, so you need to make sure you’re equipped and ready for this,” Ilse adds.
Ilse says you should also take your own and your children’s temperaments into account. “If you are a ‘doer’, it means you need things to happen fast and efficiently, but if your child is a ‘dreamer’, it can lead to conflict and frustration.” She adds that children who are introverts or loners don’t mind being on their own, but children who are extroverts need to be among other people and do activities with them. For these extrovert children, homeschooling could prove to be a battle.
More about the expert:
Ilse de Beer is a Christian psychologist, specialising in health psychology. As a motivational speaker, she focuses on equipping people to function better emotionally in their day-to-day life. She holds a Magister Artium in Psychology from the Potchefstroom University for CHE as well as a PhD in Psychology from the University of Pretoria. Learn more about Ilse de Beer here.
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