While South Africa has a relatively mild climate, we do experience weather changes in winter that might trigger depressive feelings.
SAD has been described as a specifier of depression, or a pattern in which depression occurs. Picture: iStock
According to a 2022 research paper by the Wits/Medical Research Council Developmental Pathways for Health Research Unit (DPHRU), more than a quarter of South Africans suffer from probable depression with higher levels in certain provinces.
The study, which was published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health, revealed that 25.7% of South Africans are probably depressed, with more than a quarter of respondents reporting moderate to severe symptoms of depression.
Dr Ashleigh Craig who was part of the research team noted that the prevalence of mental illness was different across all nine provinces, with higher rates in the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Gauteng and Mpumalanga.
ALSO READ: Depression: research shines light on what could be lesser-known warning sign
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) has been described as an episode of depression that occurs annually at the same time each year. According to Life Mental Health, most often, people experience SAD in autumn as the days get shorter. You can, however, also experience these symptoms during the summer months.
While South Africa has a relatively mild climate, we do experience weather changes in winter that might trigger depressive feelings. In the west of the country, days become colder, rainy and gloomy, while on the highveld, the weather gets dry, pale and dusty.
Dr Marisa Roets, a psychiatric specialised nurse manager at Life Poortview says SAD symptoms are not related to obvious stressors like a break-up, a bereavement or being unemployed.
“Usually SAD symptoms are mild, but for some, it can be debilitating and affect their personal and professional lives,” Roets stresses.
With the high rate of depression in South Africa, it’s important to be aware of the symptoms and to seek help when and if you notice them.
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