Work is a big part of our lives so, for the sake of our health, it’s vital that we enjoy the hours we invest in our career
A woman at work.
Falling into a slump at work can often take place during winter. It’s the time of year when, naturally, our body wants to rest more. Nevertheless, the bills need to be paid.
How does one re-inspire oneself for work during this cold time of year?
Living and eating habits should naturally change according to the seasons. Chinese medicine states that not following nature’s cycles is one of the leading causes of illness.
Expect to sleep and rest more during winter and do this knowing that you are providing an essential ingredient for nurturing your body and mind.
Slower and deeper exercise routines are beneficial to stretch out stiff, cold muscles and joints.
Likewise, the main food groups will differ from winter to summer. Foods that nourish during the cold months are avocados, potatoes, butternut, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach and dark green leaves, carrots, nuts and seeds. Onions and garlic do wonders for fighting bacteria and providing extra vitamin C and omega oils should be considered.
Winter is the perfect time to reconsider all areas of your life.
Keep a journal for reflecting on emotions, habits and dreams. Use it to answer these questions:
Getting to know yourself better will assist you to accept yourself. It will also provide a platform to make the choices that will best suit and serve you.
Impatience, irritability, anger or fear will not change situations, in fact, these emotions cloud clarity of mind.
When you feel a surge of negative feelings well up, place one hand lightly on your forehead and breathe deeply for a minute or two or until you feel balanced again.
When you touch your forehead on both sides, you create equilibrium between the conscious brain (which is activated on the left side of the forehead) and subconscious brain (which is activated on the right side of the forehead).
If you would like to learn more techniques that will assist you to re-inspire yourself for work and life during winter, click here to listen to an interview on Cii Radio entitled, ‘How to get out of a work slump, with kinesiologist Helen Hansen’.
About the Author: Helen Hansen is a kinesiologist who provides private consultations in Cape Town and Johannesburg.
Hansen also hosts ‘Wellness’ workshops for corporates. The ‘Happiness’ workshop inspires staff at work and in life. The ‘Stress Stabiliser’ workshop teaches a variety of stress-release techniques which can be used anywhere, at any time.
You can find out more at
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