Categories: Health

Does your child have a stuffy nose?

Stuffy noses are very common amongst young children, especially during times of seasonal changes. Children can become irritable and experience a lot of discomfort.

Here are some ways in which you can help your child find relief from a stuffy nose:


Use a humidifier in your child’s room. This will help to keep mucus soft and moist so that it can be easily cleaned.

Eucalyptus-based drops

Chat to your doctor or pharmacist about adding eucalyptus-based drops to the humidifier. Alternatively, ask him if you can put a few drops onto your child’s pillow.

Saline solution

Your doctor may recommend a saline solution that may help to break up clogged mucus from your child’s nose.

Encourage your child to sneeze

Gently tickling your child’s nose with the corner of a tissue may help to encourage him to sneeze and dislodge mucus.

Always seek medical attention if your child is not getting any relief and is battling to breathe.

Source: 2014 ‘Family Emergency Injury Prevention & Safety Guide’ booklet by Your Baby & Netcare Baby.

While All4Women endeavours to ensure health articles are based on scientific research, health articles should not be considered as a replacement for professional medical advice. Should you have concerns related to this content, it is advised that you discuss them with your personal healthcare provider.