Boosting the metabolism is no-cure at all

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By Letshego Zulu


Beware of fitness misconceptions that may undermine your diet goals. Learn why overestimating your calorie burn during exercise can lead to consuming excess calories, and discover how to avoid this common trap.

Your metabolism converts food into energy for all its functions. You rely on your metabolism to breathe, think, digest, circulate blood, keep warm in the cold and stay cool in the heat.

It is a common belief that raising your metabolism helps you burn more calories. Unfortunately, there are more myths about boosting metabolism than tactics that work. Some myths can backfire. If you think you are burning more calories than you actually are, you could end up eating more than you should.

Facts on six metabolism myths

Myth 1:

It is true that you burn more calories when you exercise, especially when you get your heart rate up with activities like cycling or swimming. That increased calorie burn lasts as long as your work out. You might keep burning extra calories for an hour or so after that, but the after-effects of exercise stop there. Once you stop moving, your metabolism will go back to its resting rate. If you load up on calories after a workout, thinking your body will keep burning calories the rest of the day, you risk weight gain.

What to do: Exercise for your health and refuel with healthy foods. Do not let exercise give you an excuse to overindulge in high-calorie foods and drinks.

Happy young multiracial ethnic woman holding glass of fresh pure water in hands, enjoying healthcare daily habit at home. Picture: iStock.
Happy young multiracial ethnic woman holding glass of fresh pure water in hands, enjoying healthcare daily habit at home. Picture: iStock.

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Myth 2: Adding muscle will help you lose weight

Muscle burns more calories than fat. So will building more muscle boost your metabolism? Yes, but only by a small amount. Most regular exercisers only gain a few kilograms of muscle. That is not enough to make a big difference in the number of calories you burn. Plus, when not in active use, muscles burn very few calories. Most of the time your brain, heart, kidneys, liver, and lungs account for most of your metabolism.

What to do: Lift weights for stronger bones and muscles. Make strength training part of a well-rounded exercise program that includes activities to get your heart pumping. To keep off extra weight, you also need to eat a healthy diet in appropriate portions.

Myth 3: Eating certain foods can boost your metabolism

Consuming foods like green tea, caffeine, or hot chilli peppers will not help you shed excess kilograms. Some may provide a small boost to your metabolism, but not enough to make a difference in your weight.

What to do: Choose foods for good nutrition and taste. Eat healthy foods that fill you up without filling you out.

Food products recommended for a healthy diet.Picture: iStock.
Food products recommended for a healthy diet.Picture: iStock.

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Myth 4: Eating small meals during the day increases metabolism

Unfortunately, there is little scientific evidence that eating small, frequent meals boosts metabolism.

Spreading your meals throughout the day might keep you from getting too hungry and overeating. If so, it is a good idea. Athletes perform better when they eat more often in smaller amounts. If you have a hard time stopping once you start eating, three meals a day may make it easier for you to stick to an appropriate intake.

What to do: Pay attention to your hunger cues and eat when you feel hungry. Keep track of your daily diet and limit high-sugar, high-fat snacks.

Myth 5: Getting a full night’s sleep is good for the metabolism

A good night’s sleep will not boost your metabolism but going without sleep can add weight. Sleep-deprived people tend to eat more calories than they need.

What to do: Plan your schedule so you have enough time for sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, look into ways to unwind before bedtime and make your bedroom comfortable for sleep. Talk to your healthcare provider if self-care tips for better sleep do not help.

Myth 6: You will gain weight as you age because your metabolism slows down

While it is true that our metabolism is slower than when we were kids, a lot of mid-life weight gain happens because we become less active. Jobs and family push exercise to the back burner. As you get older, you may also have trouble regulating your meals.

What to do: As you get older, make exercise a regular part of every day.

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