While some gentle, firm pressure on kids to eat vegetables might be acceptable, it’s best to avoid nagging.
As a kid, we all at some point have turned our nose up at some food and to hazard a guess it was most likely a poor, innocent vegetable. What might surprise you now is how much you love these foods now as an adult.
Children need lots of energy, way more than adults and instinctively kids will turn to foods that provide them with lots of energy. Vegetables don’t offer as much energy as the other food groups especially in the form of glucose, the body’s preferred energy source. Some vegetables contain so much indigestible fibre that they need more energy to digest than they offer in return. So physically it doesn’t make sense for kids to eat foods that don’t provide them with energy.
Another biological factor is their taste and what taste implies. Green and cruciferous vegetables have a slightly bitter taste. Children taste this bitter taste more strongly than adults and also have a greater reason to avoid it.
In nature, bitterness is a sign of poison and potential toxicity. The bitter compounds in vegetables are toxic in large amounts, but are not concentrated enough to harm us. The trace amounts of these compounds found in vegetables are actually beneficial. As adults have learned from experience and observation, “eating veggies never killed anyone”.
Children operate on instinct and thus it makes sense for children to be more in tune with their natural bodies as they have less capacity for detoxification.
Reduce the bitterness by adjusting preparation methods. Use of caramelisation, pickling, braising and sautéing have been found to reduce bitterness in vegetables. Combining vegetables with something sweet, salty and fatty will also help as will stir-frying in some coconut fat and sprinkling cheese over broccoli, for example.
Adults have had the time to discover that vegetables do not kill us. We have also built up tolerance to their bitter taste through repeated exposure. In nature, when an animal is exposed to a potential new food source, they test its safety by trying a little bit, then allowing their body to fully process and digest it. If there are no ill-effects, they will retry it and repeat this process up to 10 to 15 times. Once they are confident the food is safe they will add it to their diet. It is important that we do not rush this exposure process.
Some appropriate ways to make vegetables as familiar as possible:
Children are more likely to eat vegetables paired with a familiar dip such as home-made hummus, yoghurt based dips, avocado, peanut butter, cheese sauce.
The final common reason why children don’t like vegetables is due to paired associative learning. This is a psychological concept that involves associating a stimulus with a specific response:
We will never get away from the associated reality of occasion/celebration and holiday foods, but we can control the negative associations we create around the dear vegetable.
Offering vegetables alone when kids are hungry means they will be more likely to eat them or at least try them.
While some gentle, firm pressure on kids to eat vegetables might be acceptable, it’s best to avoid nagging.
Most of all, if kids often see others (you) eating and loving vegetables, they will not have much reason to form a negative association with them.
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