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Terms like ‘super food’ are thrown around a lot, but what exactly are they? With the increased interest in healthy living, there has been a noticeable shift in the type of food we consume daily.
Eating healthy food, exercising regularly and monitoring your health has become a popular lifestyle choice, so culinary professionals need to be on top of the trend.
Below, Capital Hotel School group executive chef Debby Laatz talks about the importance of adding a variety of super foods to your daily diet.
What is a super food?
It can be defined as a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and wellbeing, 100% edible, unrefined, unprocessed and preferably organic.
Basic super foods can include;
What are key super food ingredients that can be added to any meal or recipe?
Hemp, chia, acai and moringa leaf are all enjoyable additives to a healthy super food meal or smoothie. Whole grains such as quinoa, barley, mung beans, chickpeas and wheat germ are great substitutes with higher nutritional value than rice or potatoes. Goji berries, cranberries, nuts and seeds are fantastic super food additions that will enrich a bowl of muesli in the morning, smoothie or lunchbox.
What is a typical super food meal/recipe?
A typical super food meal or recipe is one that contains as many nutrients as possible. A healthy diet needs to include carbohydrates (45 to 65% of calories), fat (20 to 35% of calories) and protein (10 to 35% of calories). Not only do these meals need as little unrefined and unprocessed food as possible, they need to be organic too.
Are these dull and boring?
With the variety of fresh foods and healthy nutrients available, it is easy to make a meal look appetising and inviting. Most people are under the impression that sachets of unrecognisable names are expensive, however this has proven to be untrue. By using simple ingredients such as moringa leaf, avocado, cacao and quinoa, you can instantly transform a dull plate of food into a delectable meal.
Any tips to preparing or cooking a super food dish?
Fresh is best! The less fiddling and heating, the better. Keep it crisp and al dente to maximise the nutrients and textures.
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