Categories: Recipes

Recipe: Creamy turnip, cauliflower and lentil soup with ricotta

Turnips become silky smooth when blitzed to a purée in soups. A wonderful, no-fuss recipe.



15ml (1 tbsp) butter

1 (120g) medium onion, peeled and chopped

2 (700g) large turnips, peeled and diced

130g (1 cup) cauliflower florets, chopped

15ml (1 tbsp) garlic,  finely chopped

2 bay leaves

500ml (2 cups) warm vegetable stock

250ml (1 cup) full-cream milk

250ml (1 cup) fresh cream

60ml (¼ cup) Parmesan,
finely grated

5ml (1 tsp) honey

1 x 410g tin lentils, drained

salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste



15ml (1 tbsp) butter

5ml (1 tsp)
olive oil

1 (350g) large turnip, peeled and diced

salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

150g ricotta, crumbled

handful microherbs



1  For the soup, place the butter in a pot and melt over medium heat. Add the onion and turnips and fry, 5 minutes. Stir
in the cauliflower, garlic and bay leaves, and fry, 2 minutes. Pour in
the warm vegetable stock and milk, cover with a lid and bring to a boil, then simmer, 25 minutes. Add the cream, Parmesan and honey. Blitz to a smooth purée and stir in the lentils. Season to taste.

2 For the garnish, add the butter and oil to a pan over medium heat. Add the diced turnips and sauté gently until tender and golden, 10 – 12 minutes. Season to taste.

3 To serve, scatter the fried turnips over each soup portion and top with crumbled ricotta and microherbs.

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