Add a golden touch to spring with this simple and delicious recipe.

This easy-to-make crunchy treat is a perfect match for a chilled class of champagne. A good pairing would be the creamy, buttery tones of of JC Le Roux La Vallée.
Envelop the popcorn in beautiful paper cones and add elegant champagne flutes a decadent high tea or after work treat with friends.
Here is the recipe, courtesy of
Serves four.
750 ml popped popcorn
125 ml store-bought honeycomb candy, crushed
120 ml castor sugar
30 ml water
50 g butter
1. Mix the crushed honeycomb and popcorn together in a large mixing bowl until well combined.
2. Place the castor sugar and water in a small saucepan over low heat. Leave to dissolve. Brush off any sugar crystals that form on the sides of the pan with a clean pastry brush dipped in hot water.
3. Turn up the heat (do not stir again) and cook until the sugar caramelises.
4. Remove the caramel from the heat and add the butter. Be careful: it will splatter. Stir until dissolved.
5. Pour the caramel over the popcorn and mix through, using a ladle.
6. Press the popcorn together with your hands to shape it into balls.
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