Here are some fun ideas you can try with your little ones after school.

After a long day or learning and engaging, kids should not get home, just do their homework and sleep. There are a lot of fun activities that kids can do. These can keep them both entertained and can be educational too.
These activities are most suitable for primary and pre-primary schoolers.
1. Create a memory jar
A memory jar is a jar full of happy memories. The kids can take an empty jar and decorate it as they please. Every day after school, they can add a decorated note that they create at home, and write down their happiest memories of the day. The world can become a busy and negative place. Mom and dad can always encourage the kids to go through this when they are not feeling well.
On days when they are feeling very low, or don’t want to go to school, they can also go through their jars and remind themselves why school is fun. This can also be a family activity, and not just for the kids.
We all need a pick-me-up now and again.
2. Edible faces
Sometimes, it can be quite hard to make the little ones eat. So why not turn it into a fun activity for them? The kids can participate in helping you make lunch at the same time. All you have to do is prep some nice vegetables and fruit and watch them play, and eat! You can either use bread or tortillas as your base.
3. Make your own slime
Sorry, parents, but kids are obsessed with slime. So give the kids what they want. Create a designated work station for them and look up some easy slime creation recipes online. This will keep them busy for a long time and can be very educational as well.
4. Lego hunting
Primary and pre-primary scholars are as obsessed with slime as they are with legos. So, hide the legos around the house and make the kids hunt. Place different colour papers in a separate section. The idea is to place as many same colour legos on a matching colour paper as quickly as possible. Time the kids and make them beat yesterday’s score. This is good for colour coordination. It also tires them out, so great for the bedtime routine.
5. Arts and crafts
Pinterest is a haven for arts and crafts. Create a weekly schedule with your little ones if they love art. Create a list of things they would like to create and stock up on some supplies. It could be painting, play-doh fun or papercrafts. Whatever sparks your kid’s interest, allow them to create it and boost their creativity.
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