You should use them everywhere, in front of the mirror, talking to yourself or in the car, repeating what you really want from the universe. It is said that when we use affirmations, tell ourselves positive liners, thoughts or concepts, on a repetitive basis and believe it, we re-programme our minds and start to live the message.
Esoteric thought has long held the belief that we create our own realities, and that what you do, think or say today, shapes tomorrow. Or then next ten minutes of your life. Here are 5 affirmations that may just give you the spiritual leg-up when you need it most.
- I am open to the abundance of the universe, or I am open to receiving. Think about how you receive from others right now, and how you give. There must be a balance and importantly, you must be able to receive freely. Be open to the abundance and gifts of the universe. If you are open to receiving says mindfulness blog Sivana Spirit, you can ask for what you need and want. A must on the affirmation hit parade.
- I am confident. Imagine standing on the beach, on a mountain top, stretching your arms out and embracing a feeling that you are not just ok, you are wonderful. Beware ego, that is not the path you should visualize, but rather a sense of rightness and belonging within yourself, and your place in the universe.
- I Choose Today to Be Incredible. When you wake up, every morning, before or after that first coffee, in the car on the way to work. Shift your approach to the day. Tell yourself and the world that today, the present, and as the rest of the hours roll out. That it would be incredible. Programme positivity for yourself with an affirmation and you will project this throughout the whole day, impacting everyone around you with the energy you wish to receive, too.
- I am worthy of love and I am loving and lovable. Website lists a host of affirmations that you can share with your inner self every day, Importantly, love, one of the pillars of humanness, must be affirmed. After all, you must love yourself for others to love you, and you must be able to receive love equally as you give.
- Sex is a gift that I deserve. Another key aspect to being human is our sexuality and it is important that we look deep inside, shift our emotions, our attitude and how we view the world to create all-sorts of magic with our bedmates. Affirmation is a process, and a great place to start would be to consider sex a gift, and a pleasure deserved. Site lists a host of affirmations and tools that take the notion of sexual affirmations further. Well worth investigating.
Getting into an affirmation routine is not easy, and it is not an overnight lane-changer in terms of life’s narrative. Instead, like any sport or quest for knowledge, our hearts and minds as well as our bodies must be trained into a new way of thinking and feeling and, ergo, expressing the same. Yet, it is a path many have found works in multiple and sometimes mysteriously powerful ways.