A short guide on how to use a foam roller.

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We know it’s not always the most pleasant experience, but foam rolling has so many benefits.
Use this cheap and effective way to relieve some back pain next time you’re feeling sore or tense, courtesy of Prevention.
- Lie face up with a foam roller horizontally under upper back (below shoulder blades), knees bent, feet flat, and hands behind head.
- Tighten abs and press into feet, lifting hips slightly to slowly roll from upper to middle back. Find a tender spot. Hold, release, and repeat.
- From this position, bring foam roller under lower back, with knees bent and arms out to sides.
- Contract abs and tilt slightly to left to target muscles along left part of back.
- Still tilted left, press into feet to roll back and forth from mid-back to top of hips, stopping when you find a sore spot. Hold, release, and repeat.
- Switch sides, tilted slightly to right.
- TIP: For a deeper back stretch, lift your hips.
4 foam roller mistakes you’re making
1. Foam rolling after your workout and never before — it can also be done before you exercise.
2. Only focusing on muscles related to your sport — your whole body will benefit.
3. Avoiding discomfort — it’s uncomfortable but it’s worth it so get in there and thank us later.
4. Foam rolling too quickly — experts explain that muscular release only really happens if the right amount of time is spent kneading into the problem tissue.
Courtesy of www.prevention.com and www.kaylaitsines.com
Brought to you by People Magazine
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