Farah Fortune
An award-winning businesswoman and speaker Farah Fortune took the time to answer a couple of parenting questions for us.
Being a mom is…
Hard work, fun, entertaining, messy and weird – all at the same time!
The last time I gagged because of my kid was when they …
Had to have her arm set after she broke it. I’m not good with hospitals.
The last time I cried as a mom, my child…
Hugged me and fetched me tissues and made me tea.
My advice to other moms would be…
There is no handbook for being a mom, so don’t ever think you’re doing it wrong. You’re just doing it your way and there’s no right or wrong way. Do what works for you!
My favourite part about being a mom is…
Watching her face when I make something happen for her.
The biggest challenge is…
Knowing if I’m doing enough to make sure she’s set up for her future.
My biggest mom guilt is when…
I don’t have this anymore. I used to but I also have a life and if I’m not happy, she’s not happy. I refuse to have mom guilt when dad’s so easily do whatever in the name of paying bills or time off.
My success as a parent is measured by…
The fact she doesn’t need therapy (yet).
The most important affirmation I say to my child is…
Do whatever you want, whatever makes you happy. Do not let anyone, including me, kill your dreams, including me.
The most important behaviour/attitude I mirror for my child is…
My work-life balance as a working mom is…
Being there when she needs me. As long as I don’t miss a school concert, a parents’ evening, I’m good.
I hate when other moms….
Try and make other moms feel bad for not doing what they do. Projection of your parenting skills onto other moms is actually quite sad. If you’re looking for validation as a parent, in others’ parenting skills, you have issues.
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