The EcoMobility World Festival Sandton leg takes place during October. These are the featured events of the exciting festival.
Thursday, 01 October | Opening Press Conference The aim is to brief the media on Eco Mobility and events scheduled for the month
Thursday, 01 October | Joburg Fashion Show The fashion show will showcase designs from local designers using Eco friendly fabrics. Models will arrive on bicycles and on battery operated Segways to set the scene for the Eco Mobility month
Sunday 04 October 09:00 – 14:00
| Streets alive, we are 1and Opening ceremony of World Festival The streets between Sandton and Alexandra No 3 Square will be closed and members of the public would be encouraged to walk, etc. between these two streets
Monday 05 Oct 09:00 – 16:30
| Eco Mobility Dialogue (Clean Bus Fleets Seminar) This will be a climate and clean air coalition(CCAC) will be focused on the opportunity to transform diesel urban fleets soot-feet engine technologies in order to reduce emissions and improve air quality and prevent pre mature deaths
Monday 05 Oct 09:00 – 16:30
| Eco Mobility Dialogue (TDM Training) Targeted at local decision makers and practitioners who want to learn the basics of TDM strategies and explore the implementation options in cities. |
Tuesday, 6 October 09:00 – 16:30
| Eco Mobility Stakeholder Dialogue(Reshaping Cities for Eco Mobility: Strategy and Tactics) The daylong dialogue focusing on the strategies and tactics of retrofitting cities to accommodate public transport, cycling and walking infrastructure- tactical urbanism which are short term
Tuesday, 6 October 17:00 – 19:00
| Eco Mobility Imbizo Members of the public will be encouraged to come and ask the EM questions about the Eco Mobility festival and how the city is going about promoting public transport, walking and cycling.
Wednesday, 7 October 09:00 – 16:30
| Eco Mobility Stakeholder Dialogue This daylong is focused on exploring how shared mobility can contribute towards an integrated transport system in developing countries and South Africa in particular
Wednesday, 7 October
| Transport and Climate Change Dialogue (Experts meeting)
Wednesday, 7 October 17:00 – 19:00
| Mayors share experiences and demonstrate commitment to EcoMobility |
Wednesday, 7 October 19:30 – 21:00
| Mayor’s Dinner (Soweto) |
Thursday, 08 October
| Transport and Climate Change Dialogue (Leaders roundtable) EcoMobility Stakeholder Dialogue This dialogue will be focused on the role of technology, fashion and wellness opportunities to create a critical mass needed to support government led initiative
Friday, 09 October 09:30
| Transport and Climate Change Dialogue(International Press Conference) Transport to maximise media interest and understanding of the declaration and its potential impacts
Friday, 09 October 11:30 | Mayor’s EcoMobility Ride |
Sunday, 11 October | Family Fun Day The Road Safety Family Day will focus on cycle safety, anti-road rage and car seats for kids.
Sunday, 11 October
| Freedom Ride Early morning free cycle ride
Saturday, 17 October | A water slide down a street.
Saturday, 17 October | Spoken word festival 8 artist will be brought in to do spoken word edutainment
Saturday 17 & Sunday 18 October | Sports weekend Sports council from across the City will be sending teams to participate in an informal sport competition
Friday, 23 October | Driver Appreciation
23 – 25 October | Discovery Dualathon Discovery Duathlon will be launched Sandton and will occur over three days. The children Dualathlon will happen on Saturday while the major race events will be on Sunday.
Friday, 30 October | Critical Mass
Friday, 30 October | Closing Press Ceremony
Saturday, 31 October | World Cup Rugby Final Fan Park |
Saturday, 31 October 10:00 – 13:00 | Joburg Carnival (moved from 24th to avoid clashes with Dualathon)
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