Categories: Lifestyle

COLUMN: You know you’re a mom when…

In honor of mother’s day here are a few things that make being a mom a very unique experience. Make sure that you get your chocolate and flowers on Sunday moms because hear me when I say this: we deserve it for going through all of the stuff we go through!

You know you’re a mom when…

  1. You go out to the store (or lately have a zoom meeting) and realize when you’re in the middle of the shop floor speaking to the cashier that you have a great big smiley face emoji sticker stuck on your face (thanks to dear daughter)
  2. You can comfortably do your ‘business’ in the bathroom with a crying infant on your lap.
  3. You play quiz night … every day.. cues …mom what’s the biggest mall in Africa?  mom how are mountains formed?
  4. The only time you’re alone is when you’re lucky enough to have a dream about being stranded on a deserted island
  5. You break up fights about who did or didn’t breathe on whom on the regular.
  6. You can shout at someone because they’ve hurt themselves.. ..right after you told them to stop it
  7. You have to make peace with the fact that two people can share a cellphone  …because how else will Tik Tok be accessed?
  8. You need a body double ( i.e nanny) to look after your kids and household so you can remain sane.
  9. You can listen to three or more conversations at once- the one on the tv, the one happening with your child, and the WhatsApp one you’re having with your friend.
  10. You read stuff in chunks. One paragraph now. One during the 2am feed – and the rest the next day while you gulp down your lunch.
  11. You can operate on literally no sleep- thanks to your sweet infant.

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