Mugabe officially fired by Zanu-PF

Intense deliberations by senior and powerful Zanu-PF leaders have led to Robert Mugabe being fired by Zimbabwe’s ruling party.

Mugabe’s reign as the head of state of what was once considered Africa’s bread basket, Zimbabwe has officially come to an end.

According to BBC, Emmerson Mnangagwa who was sacked by Mugabe as vice president about two weeks ago will become Zanu-PF’s president.

For 30 years Mugabe was the president of Zimbabwe and having led the country to independence from British rule, his role as a liberation leader was tainted by his refusal to step down and allow another leader from within his own party’s rank to lead.

In an intense meeting led by the Zanu-PF’s special central committee, officials acted on a resolution made by provincial branches to oust Mugabe. Minister of Home Affairs, Obert Mpofu chaired the meeting and encouraged robust debate.

The agenda tabled Mugabe’s presidency with Mpofu stating that the leader had been taken advantage of by his wife and party officials who sought to use him for their own benefit.

According to Temba Mlisiwa a senior Zanu-PF official over 300 people attended the meeting in which Mugabe was referred to from the start of the meeting as an outgoing leader by Mpofu.

Mugabe is understood to have resisted pressure to exit however he was apparently given no choice and told a decision had already been made by Zanu-PF branches.

For the full article on The Citizen‘s website, click on: BREAKING: Mugabe officially fired by Zanu-PF

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