Luthuli faces power outage

Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality faces a possible discontinuation of its electricity supply from 11 April

Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality faces a possible discontinuation of its electricity supply from 11 April and continuing indefinitely should the municipality fail to meet its financial obligation to Eskom.

This follows the municipality’s failure to settle on due dates an amount totalling R32 million for the supply of electricity, part of which has been outstanding and escalating since October 2013.

Should the municipality fail to settle the amount or reach a payment agreement with the power utility, the contemplated interruption of electricity supply will result in disconnections of up to eight hours a day midweek and six hours on weekends.

Albert Luthuli Municipal spokesman Mr David Nhlabathi said the municipality is already in discussions with Eskom to reach an amicable solution and avert the proposed interruptions .

Mr Nhlabathi also mentioned that illegal connections and consumers not paying for the service are their biggest problems.

“As the municipality, we have come up with collection strategies which we cannot divulge or communicate to the media, but we will soon be on a drive to attend to these problems and making sure we maximise our revenue collection,”said Mr Nhlabathi.

He added that the culprits include businesses, but was also quick to highlight that the municipality will be dealing with them soon.

At the time of going to print, Eskom had not responded to media inquiries regarding the matter.

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