Categories: Entertainment

WATCH: This white guy got moves for days

If thought white people could not dance, think again! Deodat Kritzinger, a white student at the University of Pretoria (UP), recently set the dance floor on fire in a dance-off against his black mate.

Ike Bam shared the Tuks Sports video on Facebook, and we must say, it’s getting the hits. In the video, Kritzinger can be seen humbly walking to the dance floor as if he was just another average dancer. What followed is what we’ve never seen before – Kritzinger does the Skere dance move like crazy.

So far, the comments of Facebook have been positive, with user Zuks Nchukana saying: “Love it. You are correct Ike. We have all the ingredients to show the world that different races can live in harmony side by side.”

“I feel old watching that. Moves have changed. Brilliant to see everyone enjoying it,” said another user.

Judge for yourself.