This is our very own: 'Linda, listen.'
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Trying to make children understand the concept of load shedding is probably as useless as trying to understand why there is load shedding in the first place.
Mom of two boys who goes by @smanje on TikTok experienced this when a video of her son trended on social media when her youngest boy wanted his electric toy car charged. There was, however, one little problem: There was no electricity.
“I need to charge it,” he said, emphasising with hand gestures to show mom how urgent this is.
“Mamela, mamela,” this young man continues to exclaim, which is isiZulu for “listen, listen”.
Clearly, mom is not listening to a boy that wants to get into his ride and hit the road.
The internet loved this video, particularly where the boy told his mom: “Don’t say no to me.”
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