Watch: A distinctively South African flight safety demonstration

A video of a former flight attendant’s safety demonstration announcement is going viral with over 134 000 views by Monday evening.

The video was posted by Facebook user, Abu Kad on Sunday.

Kad said, “Kulula doing what they do best. Always fun travelling with them! Lol. The talented Adrian Thomas.”

According to the Good Things Guy, the video was filmed in August 2013 when the then flight attendant, Adrian Thomas was making an announcement for a flight.

A screenshot of the post on Abu Kad’s Facebook page. Picture: Facebook

Watch the video here:

The video is receiving a lot of positive feedback from social media users, and the video had been shared nearly 5 000 times by Monday evening and the post by Abu Kad had received over 300 comments.

View some of the comments here:

A screenshot of the comments on the video posted by Abu Kad on Facebook. Picture: Facebook.

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