Viewers got a glimpse of Jub Jub's emotional side as he shed a few tears on camera on the recent episode of 'Uyajola 99'.
Molemo 'Jub Jub' Maarohanye. Picture: Instagram
Another episode of Uyajola 99 aired on Sunday evening, and viewers got a glimpse of Molemo ‘Jub Jub’ Maarohayne’s emotional side as he shed a few tears on camera.
The episode began with an elder man expressing his grievances to the Uyajola 99 team. He said that he is well aware that his wife is having an affair, but would like for the team to find out who the man is so he can expose him for causing damage to his family.
Talking to the host of the show, the man revealed that he has been out of a job for some time now, and that his wife’s boyfriend has been supporting her financially, as well as their children.
He also revealed that he feels extremely disrespected by his wife and her boyfriend, because he fetches her and drops her off right by their home, not having any consideration on how this might make him feel.
Jub Jub as well as the Uyajola 99 team did what they do best, and found the wife as well as her boyfriends location.
When arriving at the boyfriends location, Jub Jub found him with his wife and daughter, and then asked if they would please enter the car where he would explain what is happening.
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While they were all inside the car, the boyfriend explained to his wife that he has been cheating on her for some time now with a woman she is well aquatinted with.
When Jub Jub asked the man’s wife if he would forgive him, she responded and said no, because she is currently dealing with some health issues and does not need the added stress of being with a cheating husband.
When they all arrived at the woman and the man’s home, the man expressed once again how his wife and her boyfriend continue to disrespect him in his own home, and that he is trying to be a better man spiritually and emotionally, but he is always tested by his wife and her infidelities.
What touched the hearts of all viewers was the moment when Jub Jub got emotional on television and shed a few tears because he was sympathetic of what the man who asked for his assistance was going through, and who was hurting from the damage his wife and her boyfriend were doing to both of their families.
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