Tribal merges, forked tongues and the biggest blindside of all time are all the reasons why you cannot miss 'Survivor South Africa' tonight.
Loads of forked tongues and strange goings on in Survivor tonight. Picture Supplied
If you thought that last week’s Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island was filled with forked tongues and collusion, do not miss Thursday’s (tonight’s) episode.
Not only is it “tribal merge” night, but – in probably the most cunning blindside of all seasons to date – the most unlikely candidate exits the jungle this evening.
This season of Survivor South Africa features one of the most diverse set of characters ever cast away for 39 days. And the friction it has created is fascinating and fuel for some armchair psychology.
Lessons too. Behaviours in the bush are not dissimilar to skullduggery often encountered around corporate boardrooms. After all, that’s why we love the show. It’s the only true-to-form reality game show where every moment captured is real and authentic.
On tonight’s show, for castaways like Anele the merge may hold the promise of rekindling old alliances while others inevitably clash.
All this will make two unlikely individuals, foes deep down, partner up to reshape the entire dynamic of the new-look, single tribe. Question is, will Santoni succeed in her season-long double-agenting or will master-strategist Kiran be caught out by his own wiles?
How will Renier play his “minion” role to Chappies and is it time for him to draw his “little minion sword”, when he shared his plan last week?
From this week, it is also everyone for themselves as the Survivor South Africa immunity challenges turn from tribal advantage to individual play.
We also see how confidence can be a rug that may easily be pulled out from a castaway’s feet. Between Anele’s “no vote” and tribal insurance, Anesu’s tribal pass and Tyson’s hidden immunity idol, the stakes are even higher as information and misinformation are peddled in equal measure.
Watch Survivor South Africa, Immunity Island tonight on M-Net at 19:30
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