Controversial 'Real Housewives of Pretoria' star Mel Viljoen recently added the actress feather to her cap after joining the cast of KykNET's 'Diepe Waters' for two episodes.

Mel Viljoen with the cast of Diepe waters. Picture: Supplied
Amid a large amount of controversy and allegations of potential identity theft from the American founder of the brand Tammy Taylor, Real Housewives of Pretoria star, Mel Viljoen has joined the cast, of the first installment of Bravo’s The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip: Africa.
Currently, she can be seen on her social media ‘living it up’ in Hollywood and posting pictures in popular tourist spots, while thanking her husband in captions for making the trip happen.
Mel continues to pursue her television career despite what people may say.
After addressing the allegations from Tammy Taylor on her social media accounts,View this post on Instagram Read more
WATCH: Real Tammy Taylor says Peet and Melany Viljoen stole her identity
ALSO READ:It appears the showbiz bug has bitten the businesswoman as she keeps adding to her on-screen arsenal.
Previously, viewers got to know her in the Real Housewives of Pretoria, this month on 10 and 11 April, she’ll be seen in a completely different capacity when she immerses herself, in Diepe Waters on KykNET (DSTV 144).
She will be using her professional expertise to give some of the female swimmers in this popular telenovela a new look.
Speaking of her role on the show, she explains, “In Diepe waters, I play myself as the head of Tammy Taylor.
“So, that was quite a natural role for me. I understand what I’m doing. The Diepe Waters team just had to help me make the words fit with my facial expressions. They were very professional.”
When she visits Skinvestment in Diepe Waters, she discovers that she knows Thandi.
Mel also meets Valencia, who relocates to Brooklyn to work at Mel’s nail salon.
ALSO READ: Mel Viljoen’s book to empower the youth
No stranger to being behind the camera, Mel says with reality TV, you play yourself and not a fictional character, commenting on what the biggest difference for her was between being herself in a reality series and playing herself in a telenovela.
“The drama is real in a reality series. Nobody writes your lines. You also live with the consequences. There’s no take two.”
What was the best part of the filming for her?
“It took my breath away to see how natural the process was for the actors. They certainly earn their money! And yes, if I get the chance to do it again, I definitely will.”
What would her dream role be?
“I’d like to play a Barbie cowgirl in the American series Yellowstone, starring Kevin Costner. I would want to learn horseback riding with my hair perfectly waving behind me while galloping across the plains.”
This may mean viewers are going to see plenty more of Mel on their screens.
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